msens::shlfs|rgns -> pg:shlfs|rgns
Ingest existing BOEM Shelfs and Regions from msens R package (performed with msens: /data-raw/ply_shlfs_rgns.R after workflow: explore_regions) into the PostGIS spatial database for performing spatial joins with species and other data.
p <-read_sf(con, "ply_shlfs_s05")# mapView(# p,# zcol = "shlf_name",# = "ply_shlfs.shlf_name<br><small>(simplified to 5%)</small>")# Error: [weirdly only when run quarto render]# ! number of columns of matrices must match (see arg 2)msens::ms_basemap() |>addPolygons(data = p,fillColor ="blue",weight =2,color ="blue",label =~shlf_name) |>addFullscreenControl()
Source Code
---title: "ingest_regions"editor_options: chunk_output_type: console---## Goal- [x]`msens::shlfs|rgns` -> `pg:shlfs|rgns`\ Ingest existing BOEM Shelfs and Regions from [`msens`]( R package (performed with [msens: `/data-raw/ply_shlfs_rgns.R`]( after workflow: [explore_regions]( into the PostGIS spatial database for performing spatial joins with species and other data.## Load into PostGIS database```{r}#| label: load_dblibrarian::shelf( here, leaflet, leaflet.extras, # mapview, marinesensitivity/msens, sf, tibble,quiet = T)source(here("libs/db.R")) # define: contbls <-c("ply_shlfs", "ply_shlfs_s05", "ply_rgns" , "ply_rgns_s05")redo <- Fif (!all(tbls %in%dbListTables(con))){for (tbl in tbls){ # tbl = "ply_shlfs_s05"# shift from 0:360 to -180:180 o <-get(tbl) |>st_wrap_dateline()st_write( o,dsn = con,layer = tbl,driver ="PostgreSQL",layer_options ="OVERWRITE=true")# enforce SRID so shows up in tile.marinesensivity.orgdbExecute(con, glue("SELECT UpdateGeometrySRID('{tbl}','geometry',4326);")) }}```## Test spatial data in database```{r}#| label: test_dbdbListTables(con)p <-read_sf(con, "ply_shlfs_s05")# mapView(# p,# zcol = "shlf_name",# = "ply_shlfs.shlf_name<br><small>(simplified to 5%)</small>")# Error: [weirdly only when run quarto render]# ! number of columns of matrices must match (see arg 2)msens::ms_basemap() |>addPolygons(data = p,fillColor ="blue",weight =2,color ="blue",label =~shlf_name) |>addFullscreenControl()```