Explore seabird vulnerability to oil (Michael et al, 2022)

1 Introduction

This article by Michael et al. (2022).

2 Variables

Figure 1: The relationship among species-specific variables, environmental variables, and sub-indices pertaining to the vulnerability of seabirds to oiling index (VSOI). Each variable receives a score based on the impact that interaction with oil is likely to have on that variable. For variable definitions, scoring, and index calculation, see below and Table 1.

3 Study Area

4 Table of Scores

  dplyr, DT, fs, glue, here, htmltools, knitr, leaflet, mapview,
  purrr, readr, readxl, sf, stringr, terra, tibble, tidyr, units,
  quiet = T)

dir_data <- "/Users/bbest/My Drive/projects/msens/data"
d_xl     <- glue("{dir_data}/raw/studies/michael2022/tbl2.xlsx")

d <- read_excel(d_xl, skip=1)

hdr = withTags(table(
  class = "display",
      th(rowspan = 2, "row"),
      th(rowspan = 2, names(d)[1]),
      th(rowspan = 2, names(d)[2]),
      th(colspan = 5, "Exposure"),
      th(colspan = 3, "Sensitivity"),
      th(colspan = 3, "Vulnerability") ),
      lapply(names(d)[-c(1:2)], th) ) ) ) )

datatable(d, container = hdr)
Table 1: Variable scores, uncertainty, and overall vulnerability of seabirds to oiling in the northern Gulf of Mexico (nGoM).


Michael, Pamela E., Kathy M. Hixson, J. Christopher Haney, Yvan G. Satgé, Jeffrey S. Gleason, and Patrick G. R. Jodice. 2022. “Seabird Vulnerability to Oil: Exposure Potential, Sensitivity, and Uncertainty in the Northern Gulf of Mexico.” Frontiers in Marine Science 9.