
Ben Best

1 aquamapsdata

(Kaschner et al. 2023)

# dependency for aquamapsdata:
#  - Terminal: brew install gnupg
#  - R: install.packages("rcrypt")
  DBI, dplyr, DT, duckdb, fs, glue, here, janitor, 
  leaflet, librarian, mapview,
  # raquamaps/raquamaps,
  readr, sf, terra, tibble,
  quiet = T)  # zeallot
Warning: package 'duckdb' was built under R version 4.3.1
Warning: package 'mapview' was built under R version 4.3.1
# The legacy packages maptools, rgdal, and rgeos, underpinning the sp package,
# which was just loaded, will retire in October 2023.

# downloads about 2 GB of data, approx 10 GB when unpacked
# download_db()

# data(package = "raquamaps")
con_sl <- default_db("sqlite") # /Users/bbest/Library/Application Support/aquamaps/am.db
file_size(aquamapsdata::am_db_sqlite()) # 11.2G
 [1] "fts"                 "fts_config"          "fts_content"        
 [4] "fts_data"            "fts_docsize"         "fts_idx"            
 [7] "hcaf_r"              "hcaf_species_native" "hspen_r"            
[10] "occurrencecells_r"   "speciesoccursum_r"  
dir_data <- "/Users/bbest/My Drive/projects/msens/data"
path_dd  <- glue("{dir_data}/derived/aquamaps/am.duckdb")
# file_delete(path_dd)
con_dd   <- dbConnect(
    dbdir     = path_dd,
    read_only = T))
# dbDisconnect(con_dd, shutdown = T)
 [1] "fts"                 "fts_config"          "fts_content"        
 [4] "fts_data"            "fts_docsize"         "fts_idx"            
 [7] "hcaf_r"              "hcaf_species_native" "hspen_r"            
[10] "occurrencecells_r"   "speciesoccursum_r"  
for (tbl in dbListTables(con_sl)){
  tbl(con_sl, tbl) |> 
# Source:   table<fts> [?? x 2]
# Database: sqlite 3.41.2 [/Users/bbest/Library/Application Support/aquamaps/am.db]
   key                                      terms                               
   <chr>                                    <chr>                               
 1 Chn-013ca97e-46a8-4c5e-b398-8bb4f340f88b Lenisquilla lata  Animalia Arthropo…
 2 Chn-015453c0-3ff9-477d-ab51-c68d85e65af5 Clorida albolitura  Animalia Arthro…
 3 Chn-0721ac0c-7d19-46fa-9dcc-02da54310867 Leiogalathea laevirostris  Animalia…
 4 Chn-08d9eb73-87c3-4b8a-8861-baf5b2862d8c Eduarctus martensii striated locust…
 5 Chn-0e470b93-1bf9-4c28-8770-166bb5e2a8c7 Levisquilla jurichi  Animalia Arthr…
 6 Chn-0e9cfa5e-eab6-490e-9279-34eeeb127eb2 Lophosquilla tiwarii  Animalia Arth…
 7 Chn-12f493b8-a962-48d7-af4b-632ba9c0fa57 Capillaster multiradiatus  Animalia…
 8 Chn-17d15aec-37c6-4c6a-88d2-9c350613076a Harpiosquilla annandalei  Animalia …
 9 Chn-21252d4f-8095-42f9-a7e5-67236bb3099d Cloridina pelamidae  Animalia Arthr…
10 Chn-27d923b5-53c3-4d53-aa10-1f02bea6dd01 Chelarctus cultrifer  Animalia Arth…
# ℹ more rows
# Source:   table<fts_config> [1 x 2]
# Database: sqlite 3.41.2 [/Users/bbest/Library/Application Support/aquamaps/am.db]
  k           v
  <chr>   <int>
1 version     4
# Source:   table<fts_content> [?? x 3]
# Database: sqlite 3.41.2 [/Users/bbest/Library/Application Support/aquamaps/am.db]
      id c0                                       c1                            
   <int> <chr>                                    <chr>                         
 1     1 Chn-013ca97e-46a8-4c5e-b398-8bb4f340f88b Lenisquilla lata  Animalia Ar…
 2     2 Chn-015453c0-3ff9-477d-ab51-c68d85e65af5 Clorida albolitura  Animalia …
 3     3 Chn-0721ac0c-7d19-46fa-9dcc-02da54310867 Leiogalathea laevirostris  An…
 4     4 Chn-08d9eb73-87c3-4b8a-8861-baf5b2862d8c Eduarctus martensii striated …
 5     5 Chn-0e470b93-1bf9-4c28-8770-166bb5e2a8c7 Levisquilla jurichi  Animalia…
 6     6 Chn-0e9cfa5e-eab6-490e-9279-34eeeb127eb2 Lophosquilla tiwarii  Animali…
 7     7 Chn-12f493b8-a962-48d7-af4b-632ba9c0fa57 Capillaster multiradiatus  An…
 8     8 Chn-17d15aec-37c6-4c6a-88d2-9c350613076a Harpiosquilla annandalei  Ani…
 9     9 Chn-21252d4f-8095-42f9-a7e5-67236bb3099d Cloridina pelamidae  Animalia…
10    10 Chn-27d923b5-53c3-4d53-aa10-1f02bea6dd01 Chelarctus cultrifer  Animali…
# ℹ more rows
# Source:   table<fts_data> [?? x 2]
# Database: sqlite 3.41.2 [/Users/bbest/Library/Application Support/aquamaps/am.db]
             id         block
        <int64>        <blob>
 1            1     <raw 9 B>
 2           10    <raw 28 B>
 3 137438953473 <raw 4.04 kB>
 4 137438953474 <raw 4.04 kB>
 5 137438953475 <raw 4.05 kB>
 6 137438953476 <raw 4.04 kB>
 7 137438953477 <raw 4.04 kB>
 8 137438953478 <raw 4.05 kB>
 9 137438953479 <raw 4.05 kB>
10 137438953480 <raw 4.05 kB>
# ℹ more rows
# Source:   table<fts_docsize> [?? x 2]
# Database: sqlite 3.41.2 [/Users/bbest/Library/Application Support/aquamaps/am.db]
      id        sz
   <int>    <blob>
 1     1 <raw 2 B>
 2     2 <raw 2 B>
 3     3 <raw 2 B>
 4     4 <raw 2 B>
 5     5 <raw 2 B>
 6     6 <raw 2 B>
 7     7 <raw 2 B>
 8     8 <raw 2 B>
 9     9 <raw 2 B>
10    10 <raw 2 B>
# ℹ more rows
# Source:   table<fts_idx> [?? x 3]
# Database: sqlite 3.41.2 [/Users/bbest/Library/Application Support/aquamaps/am.db]
   segid      term  pgno
   <int>    <blob> <int>
 1     1 <raw 0 B>     2
 2     1 <raw 5 B>     4
 3     1 <raw 7 B>     6
 4     1 <raw 7 B>     8
 5     1 <raw 7 B>    10
 6     1 <raw 5 B>    12
 7     1 <raw 7 B>    14
 8     1 <raw 7 B>    16
 9     1 <raw 4 B>    22
10     1 <raw 8 B>    24
# ℹ more rows
# Source:   table<hcaf_r> [?? x 58]
# Database: sqlite 3.41.2 [/Users/bbest/Library/Application Support/aquamaps/am.db]
      ID CsquareCode LOICZID NLimit Slimit WLimit ELimit CenterLat CenterLong
   <int> <chr>         <int>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>
 1     1 5207:363:1   167254  -26    -26.5  -73.5  -73       -26.2      -73.2
 2     2 5207:363:2   167253  -26    -26.5  -74    -73.5     -26.2      -73.8
 3     3 5207:363:3   167974  -26.5  -27    -73.5  -73       -26.8      -73.2
 4     4 5207:363:4   167973  -26.5  -27    -74    -73.5     -26.8      -73.8
 5     6 5207:360:2   167259  -26    -26.5  -71    -70.5     -26.2      -70.8
 6     8 5207:360:4   167979  -26.5  -27    -71    -70.5     -26.8      -70.8
 7     9 5207:364:1   167252  -26    -26.5  -74.5  -74       -26.2      -74.2
 8    10 5207:364:2   167251  -26    -26.5  -75    -74.5     -26.2      -74.8
 9    11 5207:364:3   167972  -26.5  -27    -74.5  -74       -26.8      -74.2
10    12 5207:364:4   167971  -26.5  -27    -75    -74.5     -26.8      -74.8
# ℹ more rows
# ℹ 49 more variables: CellArea <dbl>, OceanArea <dbl>, PWater <dbl>,
#   ClimZoneCode <chr>, FAOAreaM <int>, FAOAreaIn <int>, CountryMain <chr>,
#   CountrySecond <chr>, CountryThird <chr>, CountrySubMain <chr>,
#   CountrySubSecond <chr>, CountrySubThird <chr>, EEZ <int>, LME <int>,
#   LMEBorder <int>, MEOW <int>, OceanBasin <int>, IslandsNo <int>,
#   Area0_20 <dbl>, Area20_40 <dbl>, Area40_60 <dbl>, Area60_80 <dbl>, …
# Source:   table<hcaf_species_native> [?? x 7]
# Database: sqlite 3.41.2 [/Users/bbest/Library/Application Support/aquamaps/am.db]
   SpeciesID   CsquareCode CenterLat CenterLong Probability FAOAreaYN BoundBoxYN
   <chr>       <chr>           <dbl>      <dbl>       <dbl>     <int>      <int>
 1 Chn-013ca9… 1004:102:2       0.25       42.8        0.62         1          0
 2 Chn-013ca9… 1004:103:1       0.25       43.2        0.63         1          0
 3 Chn-013ca9… 1004:103:2       0.25       43.8        0.39         1          0
 4 Chn-013ca9… 1004:103:4       0.75       43.8        0.7          1          0
 5 Chn-013ca9… 1004:104:3       0.75       44.2        0.74         1          0
 6 Chn-013ca9… 1004:114:1       1.25       44.2        0.73         1          0
 7 Chn-013ca9… 1004:114:2       1.25       44.8        0.71         1          0
 8 Chn-013ca9… 1004:114:4       1.75       44.8        0.68         1          0
 9 Chn-013ca9… 1004:215:3       1.75       45.2        0.69         1          0
10 Chn-013ca9… 1004:215:4       1.75       45.8        0.44         1          0
# ℹ more rows
# Source:   table<hspen_r> [?? x 56]
# Database: sqlite 3.41.2 [/Users/bbest/Library/Application Support/aquamaps/am.db]
   SpeciesID Speccode LifeStage FAOAreas FAOComplete NMostLat SMostLat WMostLong
   <chr>        <int> <chr>     <chr>          <int>    <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 Chn-013c…    92965 adults    51, 61,…          NA       NA       NA        NA
 2 Chn-0154…    92936 adults    37, 51,…          NA       NA       NA        NA
 3 Chn-0721…    81439 adults    51, 57,…          NA       NA       NA        NA
 4 Chn-08d9…    15073 adults    51, 57,…          NA       35      -28        32
 5 Chn-0e47…    92967 adults    57, 71            NA       NA       NA        NA
 6 Chn-0e9c…    92969 adults    57, 71            NA       NA       NA        NA
 7 Chn-12f4…  2380937 adults    57, 71            NA       NA       NA        NA
 8 Chn-17d1…    92960 adults    51, 57,…          NA       NA       NA        NA
 9 Chn-2125…    92947 adults    57, 61,…          NA       NA       NA        NA
10 Chn-27d9…    15084 adults    51, 61,…          NA       NA       NA        NA
# ℹ more rows
# ℹ 48 more variables: EMostLong <dbl>, DepthYN <int>, DepthMin <int>,
#   DepthPrefMin <int>, DepthPrefMax <int>, DepthMax <int>, MeanDepth <int>,
#   Pelagic <int>, TempYN <int>, TempMin <dbl>, TempPrefMin <dbl>,
#   TempPrefMax <dbl>, TempMax <dbl>, SalinityYN <int>, SalinityMin <dbl>,
#   SalinityPrefMin <dbl>, SalinityPrefMax <dbl>, SalinityMax <dbl>,
#   PrimProdYN <int>, PrimProdMin <dbl>, PrimProdPrefMin <dbl>, …
# Source:   table<occurrencecells_r> [?? x 17]
# Database: sqlite 3.41.2 [/Users/bbest/Library/Application Support/aquamaps/am.db]
   RecordID CsquareCode SpeciesID SpecCode GoodCell InFAOArea InBoundBox GBIF_YN
      <int> <chr>       <chr>        <int>    <int>     <int>      <int>   <int>
 1  1596310 1009:478:2  Chn-013c…    92965        0         0          0       1
 2  1615055 1011:497:4  Chn-013c…    92965        1         1          0      NA
 3  1665456 1108:130:1  Chn-013c…    92965        0         0          0      NA
 4  1679103 1110:208:3  Chn-013c…    92965        1         1          0      NA
 5  1681092 1110:469:3  Chn-013c…    92965        1         1          0      NA
 6  1681147 1110:469:4  Chn-013c…    92965        1         1          0      NA
 7  1681212 1110:478:1  Chn-013c…    92965        1         1          0      NA
 8  1681232 1110:478:2  Chn-013c…    92965        1         1          0      NA
 9  1681287 1110:478:3  Chn-013c…    92965        1         1          0      NA
10  1681309 1110:478:4  Chn-013c…    92965        1         1          0      NA
# ℹ more rows
# ℹ 9 more variables: OBIS_YN <int>, FBSLB_YN <int>, CountryPoint_YN <int>,
#   AWI_YN <int>, IATTC_YN <int>, UWA_YN <int>, CenterLat <dbl>,
#   CenterLong <dbl>, FAOAreaM <int>
# Source:   table<speciesoccursum_r> [?? x 25]
# Database: sqlite 3.41.2 [/Users/bbest/Library/Application Support/aquamaps/am.db]
   SpeciesID        SpecCode Genus Species FBname OccurRecs OccurCells StockDefs
   <chr>               <int> <chr> <chr>   <chr>      <int>      <int> <chr>    
 1 Chn-013ca97e-46…    92965 Leni… lata    <NA>         109        103 Indo-Wes…
 2 Chn-015453c0-3f…    92936 Clor… alboli… <NA>          55         54 Indo-Wes…
 3 Chn-0721ac0c-7d…    81439 Leio… laevir… <NA>          38         37 Indo-Pac…
 4 Chn-08d9eb73-87…    15073 Edua… marten… stria…       283        270 Indo-Wes…
 5 Chn-0e470b93-1b…    92967 Levi… jurichi <NA>          21         18 Indo-Wes…
 6 Chn-0e9cfa5e-ea…    92969 Loph… tiwarii <NA>          22         20 Indo-Wes…
 7 Chn-12f493b8-a9…  2380937 Capi… multir… <NA>         157        129 Indo-Wes…
 8 Chn-17d15aec-37…    92960 Harp… annand… <NA>          71         70 Indo-Wes…
 9 Chn-21252d4f-80…    92947 Clor… pelami… <NA>          12         11 Indo-Wes…
10 Chn-27d923b5-53…    15084 Chel… cultri… <NA>          56         48 Indo-Pac…
# ℹ more rows
# ℹ 17 more variables: Kingdom <chr>, Phylum <chr>, Class <chr>, Order <chr>,
#   Family <chr>, deepwater <int>, angling <int>, diving <int>,
#   dangerous <int>, m_invertebrates <int>, highseas <int>, invasive <int>,
#   resilience <chr>, iucn_id <int>, iucn_code <chr>, iucn_version <chr>,
#   provider <chr>

2 transfer to duckdb

Queries in SQLite are quite slow compared to the new DuckDB.

# table rename from old sqlite (sl) to new duckdb (dd)
d_tbls <- tribble(
  ~tbl_sl,                ~tbl_dd,
  "hcaf_r",               "cells",
  "hcaf_species_native",    "spp_cells",
  "hspen_r",                "spp_prefs",
  "occurrencecells_r",    "spp_occs",
  "speciesoccursum_r",    "spp")
# A tibble: 5 × 2
  tbl_sl              tbl_dd   
  <chr>               <chr>    
1 hcaf_r              cells    
2 hcaf_species_native spp_cells
3 hspen_r             spp_prefs
4 occurrencecells_r   spp_occs 
5 speciesoccursum_r   spp      
redo <- F
if (!all(d_tbls$tbl_dd %in% dbListTables(con_dd)) | redo){
  for (i in 1:nrow(d_tbls)){ # i = 1
    tbl_sl <- d_tbls$tbl_sl[i]
    tbl_dd <- d_tbls$tbl_dd[i]
      "{i} of {nrow(d_tbls)} tbls: read sqlite.{tbl_sl} () ~ {Sys.time()}"))
    t0 <- Sys.time()
    d <- dbGetQuery(con_sl, glue(
      "SELECT * FROM {tbl_sl}")) |> 
      clean_names() |> 
        \(x) x |> 
            # cells
            "id"         ~ "cell_id", 
            "slimit"     ~ "s_limit",
            # spp, spp_cells, spp_occs, spp_prefs
            "species_id" ~ "sp_key",
            "speccode"   ~ "sp_int",
            "spec_code"  ~ "sp_int",
            # spp_occs
            "record_id"  ~ "occ_id",
            # spp
            "f_bname"    ~ "common_name",
            .default = x))
    t1 <- Sys.time()
      "    ", format(nrow(d), big.mark=','), "rows read in", 
      round(difftime(t1, t0, units="mins"), 4), "mins"))
      "  write duckdb.{tbl_dd} ~ {Sys.time()}",
      .trim = F))
    dbWriteTable(con_dd, tbl_dd, d, overwrite = T)
    t2 <- Sys.time()
      "    ", format(nrow(d), big.mark=','), "rows written in", 
      round(difftime(t2, t1, units="mins"), 4), "mins"))
1 of 5 tbls: read sqlite.hcaf_r () ~ 2023-12-01 21:48:46.1486
     177,869 rows read in 0.0264 mins
  write duckdb.cells ~ 2023-12-01 21:48:47.731827
     177,869 rows written in 0.0099 mins
2 of 5 tbls: read sqlite.hcaf_species_native () ~ 2023-12-01 21:48:48.326646
     118,249,855 rows read in 2.7802 mins
  write duckdb.spp_cells ~ 2023-12-01 21:51:35.139909
     118,249,855 rows written in  1.2148  mins
3 of 5 tbls: read sqlite.hspen_r () ~ 2023-12-01 21:52:48.026475
     23,699 rows read in 0.0039 mins
  write duckdb.spp_prefs ~ 2023-12-01 21:52:48.259237
     23,699 rows written in 0.0011 mins
4 of 5 tbls: read sqlite.occurrencecells_r () ~ 2023-12-01 21:52:48.323373
     2,908,181 rows read in 0.1266 mins
  write duckdb.spp_occs ~ 2023-12-01 21:52:55.917685
     2,908,181 rows written in 0.0438 mins
5 of 5 tbls: read sqlite.speciesoccursum_r () ~ 2023-12-01 21:52:58.547241
     23,699 rows read in 0.0022 mins
  write duckdb.spp ~ 2023-12-01 21:52:58.679833
     23,699 rows written in 0.0015 mins

3 rename fields

file_size(path_dd) # 3.46G
renames_csv <- glue("{dir_data}/derived/aquamaps/am_tbl_fld_renames.csv")

[1] "_tbl_fld_renames" "cells"            "spp"              "spp_cells"       
[5] "spp_occs"         "spp_prefs"       
# dbDisconnect(con_dd, shutdown = T)

if (!file.exists(renames_csv) | redo){
  for (i in 1:nrow(d_tbls)){ # i = 1
    tbl_sl <- d_tbls$tbl_sl[i]
    tbl_dd <- d_tbls$tbl_dd[i]
    d_sl <- dbGetQuery(con_sl, glue(
      "SELECT * FROM {tbl_sl} LIMIT 10"))
    d_dd <- dbGetQuery(con_dd, glue(
      "SELECT * FROM {tbl_dd} LIMIT 10"))
    d_r <- tibble(
      tbl_old = tbl_sl,
      tbl_new = tbl_dd,
      fld_old = names(d_sl),
      fld_new = names(d_dd))
    if (i == 1){
      d_renames <- d_r
    } else {
      d_renames <- d_renames |> 
  write_csv(d_renames, renames_csv)
  dbWriteTable(con_dd, "_tbl_fld_renames", d_renames, overwrite = T)
d_renames <- read_csv(renames_csv)
Rows: 163 Columns: 4
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (4): tbl_old, tbl_new, fld_old, fld_new

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

4 streamline spp_cells, spp_occs to use cell_id

d_spp_cells <- tbl(con_dd, "spp_cells") |> 
    tbl(con_dd, "cells") |> 
      select(cell_id, csquare_code),
    by = "csquare_code") |> 
  select(-csquare_code, -center_lat, -center_long) |> 
dbWriteTable(con_dd, "spp_cells", d_spp_cells, overwrite = T)

d_spp_occs <- tbl(con_dd, "spp_occs") |> 
    tbl(con_dd, "cells") |> 
      select(cell_id, csquare_code),
    by = "csquare_code") |> 
  select(-csquare_code) |> 
dbWriteTable(con_dd, "spp_occs", d_spp_occs, overwrite = T)

# TODO: update _tbl_fld_renames to this streamlining
#   spp_cells.csquare_code|center_lat|center_long -> cell_id
#   spp_occs.csquare_code                         -> cell_id

5 add indexes

create_index <- function(con, tbl, flds, is_unique = F){
  unq  <- {ifelse(is_unique, 'UNIQUE','')}
  idx  <- glue("{tbl}_{paste(flds, collapse='_')}_idx")
  flds <- glue("{paste(flds, collapse=',')}")
  sql  <- glue("CREATE {unq} INDEX {idx} ON {tbl} ({flds});")

  dbExecute(con, sql)
create_index(con_dd, "cells",     "cell_id", is_unique = T)
create_index(con_dd, "spp",       "sp_key",  is_unique = T)
create_index(con_dd, "spp_cells", "cell_id")
create_index(con_dd, "spp_cells", "sp_key")
create_index(con_dd, "spp_prefs", "sp_key", is_unique = T)
create_index(con_dd, "spp_occs",  "occ_id", is_unique = T)
create_index(con_dd, "spp_occs",  "cell_id")
create_index(con_dd, "spp_occs",  "sp_key")

6 export/import db


  • version compatibility (since duckdb is not backwards compatible with itself before version 1.0); and
  • reducing file size
dir_parquet <- glue("{dir_data}/derived/aquamaps/parquet")

dbExecute(con_dd, glue("
  -- export the database to the target directory 'db_name' as CSV files
  --   EXPORT DATABASE 'db_name';
  -- export to directory 'db_name', using the given options for the CSV serialization
  -- export to directory 'db_name', tables serialized as Parquet
       EXPORT DATABASE '{dir_parquet}' (FORMAT PARQUET);"))
dbDisconnect(con_dd, shutdown = T)
con_dd   <- dbConnect(
    dbdir     = path_dd,
    read_only = F))
file_size(path_dd) # 12K

  dbExecute(con_dd, glue("
    IMPORT DATABASE '{dir_parquet}';"))

dbDisconnect(con_dd, shutdown = T)
file_size(path_dd) # 698M

con_dd   <- dbConnect(
    dbdir     = path_dd,
    read_only = F))

# TODO: + fxns: export_duckdb(), import_duckdb(format="parquet")

7 todo: db relationship diagram

Mermaid entity relationship diagram with tables related by (primary) indexes showing one:many and many:many relationships.

8 create raster

cells_tif <- glue("{dir_data}/derived/aquamaps/cell_id.tif")

if (!file.exists(cells_tif)){

  # get cells as points
  pts_cells <- tbl(con_dd, "cells") |> 
    select(cell_id, csquare_code, center_long, center_lat) |> 
    collect() |> 
      coords = c("center_long", "center_lat"), crs = 4326)
  # create template raster from global dimensions and resolution
  r_g <- rast(
    xmin = -180, xmax = 180, 
    ymin = -90,  ymax = 90, 
    resolution = 0.5)
  # rasterize based on cell_id
  r_cells <- rasterize(pts_cells, r_g, field = "cell_id", fun = "last")
  names(r_cells) <- "cell_id"
  # ensure no duplicate cell_ids
  stopifnot(sum(duplicated(values(r_cells, na.rm=T))) == 0)
  # write to smallest possible raster
  r_cells |> 
      overwrite = T,
      datatype  = "INT4U",
      gdal      = c(
  file_size(cells_tif) # 279K
  d_cells <- tbl(con_dd, "cells") |> 
    collect() |> 
        cell_id  = values(r_cells, mat=F),
        cell_idx = 1:ncell(r_cells)), 
      by = "cell_id") |> 
    relocate(cell_idx, .after = cell_id)
  dbWriteTable(con_dd, "cells", d_cells, overwrite = T)
r_cells <- rast(cells_tif)


9 plot species

sp_name <- "blue whale"

# get sp_key
sp_key <- tbl(con_dd, "spp") |> 
  filter(common_name == !!sp_name) |> 

# get sp cells
d <- tbl(con_dd, "spp_cells") |> 
  filter(sp_key == !!sp_key) |> 
    tbl(con_dd, "cells") |> 
      select(cell_id, cell_idx), 
    by = "cell_id") |> 
  select(cell_idx, probability) |> 
# TODO: filter also by
# - fao_area_yn: Does this cell fall within an FAO area where the species is known to occur (endemic/native)? 0=No, 1=Yes
# - bound_box_yn: Does this cell fall within the geographical bounding box known for the species? 0=No, 1=Yes

r <- r_cells
values(r) <- NA

r[d$cell_idx] <- d$probability

10 next steps

  • assign species to aphia_id (WoRMS:
  • assign taxonomic groups, a la marinebon/gmbi (Visalli et al. 2020)
  • get species list per BOEM region
  • create function to extract species list per arbitrary region, a la CalCOFI oceano app
  • develop multidimensional array extraction with xarray

11 References

Kaschner, K., K. Kesner-Reyes, C. Garilao, J. Segschneider, J. Rius-Barile, T. Rees, and R. Froese. 2023. AquaMaps: Predicted Range Maps for Aquatic Species. Retrieved from
Visalli, Morgan E., Benjamin D. Best, Reniel B. Cabral, William W. L. Cheung, Nichola A. Clark, Cristina Garilao, Kristin Kaschner, et al. 2020. “Data-Driven Approach for Highlighting Priority Areas for Protection in Marine Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction.” Marine Policy, March, 103927.